Number Matchers

Matchers that perform numeric comparisons.


class hamcrest.library.number.iscloseto.IsCloseTo(value: Union[float, decimal.Decimal], delta: Union[float, decimal.Decimal])

Bases: hamcrest.core.base_matcher.BaseMatcher

describe_mismatch(item: Union[float, decimal.Decimal], mismatch_description: hamcrest.core.description.Description) → None

Generates a description of why the matcher has not accepted the item.

The description will be part of a larger description of why a matching failed, so it should be concise.

This method assumes that matches(item) is False, but will not check this.

  • item – The item that the Matcher has rejected.
  • mismatch_description – The description to be built or appended to.
describe_to(description: hamcrest.core.description.Description) → None

Generates a description of the object.

The description may be part of a description of a larger object of which this is just a component, so it should be worded appropriately.

Parameters:description – The description to be built or appended to.
hamcrest.library.number.iscloseto.close_to(value, delta)

Matches if object is a number close to a given value, within a given delta.

  • value – The value to compare against as the expected value.
  • delta – The maximum delta between the values for which the numbers are considered close.

This matcher compares the evaluated object against value to see if the difference is within a positive delta.


close_to(3.0, 0.25)
hamcrest.library.number.iscloseto.isnumeric(value: Any) → bool

Confirm that ‘value’ can be treated numerically; duck-test accordingly

greater_than, greater_than_or_equal_to, less_than, less_than_or_equal_to

class hamcrest.library.number.ordering_comparison.OrderingComparison(value: Any, comparison_function: Callable[[Any, Any], bool], comparison_description: str)

Bases: hamcrest.core.base_matcher.BaseMatcher

describe_to(description: hamcrest.core.description.Description) → None

Generates a description of the object.

The description may be part of a description of a larger object of which this is just a component, so it should be worded appropriately.

Parameters:description – The description to be built or appended to.
hamcrest.library.number.ordering_comparison.greater_than(value: Any) → hamcrest.core.matcher.Matcher[typing.Any][Any]

Matches if object is greater than a given value.

Parameters:value – The value to compare against.
hamcrest.library.number.ordering_comparison.greater_than_or_equal_to(value: Any) → hamcrest.core.matcher.Matcher[typing.Any][Any]

Matches if object is greater than or equal to a given value.

Parameters:value – The value to compare against.
hamcrest.library.number.ordering_comparison.less_than(value: Any) → hamcrest.core.matcher.Matcher[typing.Any][Any]

Matches if object is less than a given value.

Parameters:value – The value to compare against.
hamcrest.library.number.ordering_comparison.less_than_or_equal_to(value: Any) → hamcrest.core.matcher.Matcher[typing.Any][Any]

Matches if object is less than or equal to a given value.

Parameters:value – The value to compare against.